Monday, June 17, 2013

Historymaker and Winnipeg

In March 2003, I went to the Dominican Republic on a missions trip with my high school. That May, I went to Kelowna for my first Historymaker, "Dream."

Fast forward 10 years later...

In October 2012, I went to Romania on a missions trip with my church.  This May I went to Chilliwack for Historymaker 2013, "The Cause."

Teenagers have too much energy. And they are loud.  I also really love the kids at my church.

At the beginning of this month, I went to Winnipeg for about two days to catch up with friends and attend a wedding. It was kickbuttocks.  Winnipeg is a nice city, but it's hard to compare it to Vancouver, no offense "Friendly Manitoba."  Westjet is a decent airline carrier and I approve of the Canuck jab/trash talk the steward made over the intercom during the safety instructions. I had a good chat with that man and it turned out he was a Blackhawks fan.  On that return flight, I left 7am Sunday morning Winnipeg-time and landed about 8am Vancouver-time, more than enough time to get to church early by transit.

Oh and naturally, I took Spider-Man along and took 16 new pictures.  Below is a sample:

Spider-Man by the Red River, at The Forks in Winnipeg, MB
Near The Forks

Spider-Man outside the MTS Centre

Spider-Man in Winnipeg
Prairie trash, yo

Spider-Man outside the U of M administration building
Higher learning

I have a lot of posts I need to finish.  Ideas swirl in my head and I'll start to write them, but I tend to put them on the back burner.  Some of them date back as far as two years ago.  Hopefully I'll get around to them soon. 

EDIT: I just noticed I've been getting a ton of hits on my old October 2005 posts, which started two days ago.  A large majority of these visits have been coming from the Middle East, but Syria in particular. Can someone enlighten me?  Who is linking me from Facebook?

Gas hit a a high of 149.9¢/litre a few weeks ago, and then went down to 145.9.  In Chilliwack, it was 10¢ cheaper.  Apparently the Lower Mainland pays 49¢ in taxes for gasoline.  In Winnipeg at the start of June, it was about 138.9, while Vancouver's gas was in the mid 140s.  It's currently fluctuating between 139-140ish.

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