It's a little hard to believe that it was summer 3 months ago. Anyways, it's almost final exam time. Yay! I'm so excited! Exams are so much fun and I'm so happy! Not (but actually right now, I am happy).
Last Tuesday, because of the weather I got to walk on water.
The AQ Reflections pond froze over. See?
You have to admit, that's pretty cool (pun possibly intended). However, Paulman was cooler. He skated. On the pond. At SFU. And he did it for free too.
Ok, so maybe they're not that funny.- Maybe its because you're not funny. Nyah nyah! 8^p
sweet. too bad I didn't think of that... a few roads at ubc flooded and it was an absolute pain trying to get to class. shoulda just brought my skates and skated to class!
I should do that before I graduate!
Oh. and get rid of word verification. its annoying!!!!
nice pic =P
add oil on ur exams timbitz..hehe
smoking 2 cigarettes at the same time? -.- one is not strong enough or smth? -_-"
anyhooz..take care =]
sweet. too bad I didn't think of that... a few roads at ubc flooded and it was an absolute pain trying to get to class. shoulda just brought my skates and skated to class!
jacmert: i still tihnk you're cooler than them
ed: i think you're annoying! kidding. if i don't have it, i get spammed. i've tried.
ky4evr: i don't know about cigarette strength. maybe she was super stressed?
bernice: too bad its all melted now.
tim: you talk too much
I'M FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! My last exam was officially over at 1:42pm today!
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